What is a conversion audit and how should I do one?

by Ayhan K. Isaacs in August 31st, 2021
Conversion audit

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the changes happening in your industry? It's no wonder. The pace of technological innovation is accelerating and digital marketing methods that worked six months ago may not work today. And, as a result, conversion rates are declining. It's time to conduct a conversion audit! 

A conversion audit typically includes an analysis of both online and offline factors that are affecting the customer experience. It is a process that examines how users interact with your business/website, and identifies what areas need to be improved in order to increase conversion rates. It's important to conduct a conversion audit because it can help you identify the underlying problems within your business, even if they are not immediately apparent. 

Not only will this save you time and money by helping you pinpoint the problem before spending resources fixing it, but it will also improve user experience for people who visit your site. Conducting a conversion audit doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming, all it takes is identifying where users are dropping off from your funnel, and figuring out how to fix these issues. 

Conversion audit

Why do a conversion audit?

Conversion audits are essential for your business. With the amount of competition in today's market, it is crucial to put yourself ahead and be able to improve on what you are already doing well. A conversion audit not only helps with this but also will provide insight into areas that need improvement as well as guidance on how to get there.

Some areas are:

  • Assessing your conversion process
  • Review and update your website content
  • Evaluate your marketing strategy 
  • Analyze how well social media is driving traffic to your site 
  • Look at ways to improve customer service by identifying opportunities for improvement in each department 
  • Check out what competitors are doing, and find a way to differentiate yourself from them

The conversion audit is not here to magically fix your issues but will highlight them so you can take the action needed to make the changes. 

To run a successful conversion audit you need to be well aware of your ideal customer so you can view things as them and have enough traffic on your site so there is enough data to test what is working and what is not.

understand customer

What is the one thing your customer should do when they visit your site? If you don't know, then it's time to find out. Are you generating leads on your website? Do people sign up for a trial and never come back? Have more visitors to your site become customers or increased their spend with you in the past year than ever before? If so, then congratulations! But if not, it might be because you’re not showing the right things to attract them. 

What is to be considered when doing a conversion audit?

There are three things that should be considered in a conversion audit: A technical audit, a design/UX audit, and copy auditing. Every business needs to have these as part of their ongoing marketing strategy for staying ahead in the competitive landscape.    

Types of conversion

The big question every  company has is whether they should outsource their conversion audit. This can be a difficult decision that many businesses have to make and it's important for you to know your options before making a choice. There are two ways of looking at this topic: the first being in terms of how much money you want to spend on an outside agency, and the second being what kind of skill sets the business has internally. If you're someone who wants to keep costs as low as possible but also doesn't mind outsourcing certain tasks, then going external might be your best bet. But if you do have some internal expertise in marketing or design, then doing it yourself may provide more value for your business by keeping costs down.

A conversion audit is a great way to evaluate your business’s strengths and weaknesses, identify areas of opportunity for improvement, and get the most out of your marketing budget. It can also be performed internally or outsourced; which route you choose depends on what kind of resources you have available within your company.

If you decide to do it yourself, then make sure that everyone in the organization is involved so as not to miss anything important... or if you feel more comfortable look into getting a professional to do it.

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