The Role of Video in Inbound Sales

by Vinny Hassan in September 27th, 2022
cover image/screen showimng video tools

In the world of inbound sales, video is quickly becoming an essential tool for engaging customers and closing deals. With a wide range of potential applications, from product demos to customer success stories, videos effectively bring your brand’s message to life and capture attention.

This blog post will explore how businesses can use video as part of their inbound sales strategy. We’ll discuss the different types of videos you could create, how to measure their effectiveness, and what tools you need to get started. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of video's role in successful inbound sales campaigns. Let's dive right in!

Introducing Video into Your Inbound Sales Strategy

Incorporating video into your inbound sales strategy is a great way to stand out from the competition. Video can be used in various creative ways, increasing customer engagement with your brand, hosting informative webinars, or providing detailed product demos.

Not only does it make your business look more professional and trustworthy, but it also appeals to ever-evolving consumer preferences. With the right video content, you can expect to develop stronger relationships with buyers, ultimately leading to more qualified leads and successful conversions.

Types of Videos You Can Create for Inbound Sales

When creating videos for inbound sales, you have many options at your fingertips. You can produce customer testimonials, product demonstrations, explainer videos, and live presentations, to name a few.

  • Customer testimonial videos offer personal stories from previous customers that serve as a form of advertising. If you own a restaurant, you might record a customer describing why they enjoyed their dining experience with your business.
  • Product demonstration videos provide the viewer with an in-depth look at how the product works and can be used to answer any relevant questions. So, if you own a software company, you could create a video showing customers how to use the product and its features.
  • Explainer videos are great for conveying complex ideas quickly and explaining why your products or services are needed. For example, if you own a dental clinic, you could create an explainer video about the importance of regular checkups.
  • Last but not least are live presentations, which may include online lectures, Q&As, company announcements, and more. So if you’re launching a new product, you could create a live presentation to introduce it to potential customers.

Whatever you decide to do, ensure that your video is informative yet engaging -- that’s the key!

person holding video camera

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Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Videos

Now that you are familiar with the distinct styles of videos you can create, let's delve into how to assess their efficacy. It’s essential to track the performance of your videos so you can make necessary adjustments and optimize them for success.

You can use many metrics to monitor how well your video is performing, such as view count, completion rate, watch time, and lead conversion rate.

  • View count is the total number of times your video has been watched.
  • The completion rate is the percentage of people that watched from start to finish.
  • Watch time indicates how long viewers spend on an individual video or channel.
  • The lead conversion rate lets you know how effectively your videos have converted leads into sales.

By tracking these metrics regularly, you’ll be able to identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments to maximize the effectiveness of your video content.

Tools Needed to Create Engaging Videos for Inbound Sales

Since now you're aware of how videos can be utilized to generate inbound sales, let's take a look at the instruments needed to develop compelling videos.

The first and most essential tool is good video editing software. With this tool, you can easily edit and add effects to your videos as well as manage media files. Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro are great for creating professional-looking videos.

Consider investing in quality audio and visual equipment to ensure that your videos are crisp and professional-looking. Tools like DSLR cameras and microphone headsets are perfect for recording high-quality videos.

Finally, don’t forget about hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. These platforms allow you to upload and share your content with the world, making it easier for customers to find you online.

With these tools at your disposal, creating effective videos for inbound sales will be a breeze.

Tips for Making Professional and Attractive Videos

Let’s talk about some tips for making your videos more professional and attractive.

  1. First, always make sure your videos are well-lit by using natural or artificial lighting to create a more pleasant viewing atmosphere.
  2. Second, keep the video tight and focused - don’t include any unnecessary information that could distract from the main points you’re trying to get across.
  3. Third, use royalty-free music to add an extra layer of professionalism to your videos. Music evokes emotions that can help engage audiences in a positive way. Just be sure you have permission to use it!
  4. Finally, don’t forget about imagery! Pictures and graphics can help communicate complex ideas quickly and effectively, so consider adding them to your videos when possible.
person taking picture of temple

Image source

Best Practices for Using Video in Inbound Sales Campaigns

Now that you have covered the basics of video production let’s look at some best practices for using videos in inbound sales campaigns.

  1. First, always ensure your videos are optimized for the platform they’re going to be viewed on – whether it’s YouTube, Vimeo, or another streaming platform. Different platforms require different file formats and sizes, so be sure you know what works best for each one.
  2. Second, think about creating a series of videos instead of just one. This will allow you to cover more topics and give viewers an easier way to follow along with your content.
  3. Third, consider using subtitles or transcripts to make your videos accessible to viewers who might not understand the language spoken in them.
  4. Finally, always include a call to action at the end of your videos. This will help viewers take the next step if they’re interested in the product or service offered.


Video is a potent tool for inbound sales campaigns. By understanding the basics of video production, creating engaging content, and following best practices, you can successfully use videos for marketing your product or service and driving more conversions. With the right strategy in place, you’ll be able to maximize the success of your inbound sales campaign and watch your business grow.

With a bit of work and dedication, you’ll be able to create professional-looking videos that will help increase lead conversion rates and ultimately facilitate growth for your business. Don’t underestimate the power of video when it comes to inbound sales - it can make all the difference!

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