How to Research Your Prospects Before Sending a Cold Email

by Vinny Hassan in September 5th, 2022
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Cold emails can be an effective way to reach out to potential customers, clients, or partners, but they can also be a nuisance if they're not targeted or relevant. That's why it's essential to do your research before sending a cold email. In this article, we'll explore some critical steps to take in order to effectively research your prospects before sending a cold email. Read on to learn more!

1. Identify your target audience

The first step in researching prospects is identifying who you want to reach out to. Depending on your business or organization, this might include potential customers, clients, or partners. To determine your target audience, consider the following questions:

Who are you trying to reach?

Identifying the target audience for your cold emails is essential for achieving a successful outcome. Ask yourself, who are you trying to reach? Are they industry professionals? Executives in decision-making roles? Potential customers or partners?

Once you figure out the group you want to engage with, think about creating content that resonates with them.

What are their needs and interests?

When forming a strategy, consider asking yourself what the needs and interests of your target audience might be - this will help you form a more effective outreach email. It's vital to target those who can truly benefit from your product or service; otherwise, they may not resonate with what you're offering and end up disregarding the message altogether.

Knowing who you are communicating with and how that aligns with their interests helps you frame your outreach accordingly, so take some time to explore what would interest them and tailor each email for a more significant impact!

How can you help them solve a problem or meet a need?

Understanding your target audience is one of the critical steps in crafting effective cold emails. Think deeply about how you can use your products or services to offer a solution that meets their specific needs. If there's anything unique you can offer, such as an achievable timeline for completing the job, make sure you mention it!

You should also try to find complementary existing relationships -- these will further demonstrate why working with you would be of benefit. Communicating what makes you different and how it benefits them will help focus your messaging and make it more engaging.

two women sitting on table

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2. Find contact information

Searching for your target audience's contact information doesn't have to be an uphill battle.

  • A good first step would be to check out their website or LinkedIn profile, as these are likely sources of contact info like email addresses. But if you still haven't found what you're looking for, don't worry — there are plenty of other valuable ways to find their details.
  • A tool like can help you locate their email address with just a few clicks, based on their name and company. As it can be difficult to confirm the true identity of your prospects, it's essential to use a tool like this to verify their details before sending any emails.
  • And don't forget to look them up on popular social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook. Often, these accounts contain contact information that can help direct you in the right direction. All it takes is a bit of digging!

It's important to note that finding someone's email address can be challenging, and you may not be able to find it through these methods. In that case, you can try contacting them through LinkedIn or their company's contact form.

3. Research their company and industry

Before you send a cold email, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of the company you're reaching out to and the industry they operate in. This will help you tailor your message and show that you've taken the time to learn about their business.

To research a company, start by visiting its website and reading about its products or services. Look for information about their mission, values, and target market. Don't forget to check out the company's blog or news page, too — this is a great way to discover the latest trends and developments in that particular sector.

You can also use tools like Glassdoor or Crunchbase to learn more about the company's size, funding, and leadership. Glassdoor offers reviews from current and former employees, which can give you valuable insight into the company's culture. On the other hand, Crunchbase provides information about investments and acquisitions that the company has made in the past.

In addition to researching the company, it's also essential to understand the industry's operations. Look for industry trends and news articles to get a sense of what's happening in the space. This will help you tailor your message and show that you're aware of the industry's current state.

4. Research the decision maker

If you're reaching out to a specific individual, it's important to research them as well. Look for information about their role and responsibilities within the company, as well as their background and experience.

You can use LinkedIn to find this information and see if you have any mutual connections that can introduce you. Or, you can use Google to check for any articles or interviews your prospect has done and see if you have any common interests.

Additionally, try subscribing to industry newsletters and publications — this way, you'll be one of the first to know when there's news related to your prospect. This will give you an advantage when it comes time to send your cold email.

By researching the decision maker, you'll be able to tailor your message to their specific needs and interests and show that you understand their position and what they're responsible for within the company.

man in blue suit jacket and white dress shirt

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Researching your prospects before sending a cold email is essential to ensure that you reach out to the right person with the right message. Start by looking for contact information online, then research their company and industry. Finally, don't forget to research the decision maker, too — this will help you tailor your message and show them that you understand their position.

If you follow these steps and take the time to do your research, you'll be sure to have a successful cold email campaign. Best of luck!

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