How to Hire a Cold Email Outbound Agency?

by Ayhan K. Isaacs in February 4th, 2022
How to Hire a Cold Email Outbound Agency?

It is perfectly normal to feel anxious about how to scale up your business on the internet. At this point, hiring a cold email outbound agency is the best decision you would ever take. Partnering with an agency would give you enough time to focus on your core business while they would run the cold email campaigns on your behalf. But before you go with the one, you should know what you are looking for in an agency particularly and what your expectations from them are. You should have all the questions ready before hiring one. It will help you assess them on important parameters and analyse them if they will do the right job at prospecting and reaching out to potential clients. 

This blog highlights the key pointers of hiring a cold email services agency.

1) Decide on the manpower that you want onboard:

Although the main aspect of a cold email is its outreach, it has three more elements that need a bit more attention. These are the email copies, the strategy to send out the emails, and a qualified list of prospective recipients. With this in mind, you can go about hiring a full-stack outbound specialist to handle the prospecting and come up with great sending strategies. They will also be responsible for creating the email copies and running the campaigns efficiently or you can hire one strategist and a researcher respectively. The strategist will be responsible for implementing the strategies as per different email copies and sending them to the potential prospect list. Hiring an agency would be solely based on your requirements. Try to avoid buying email lists, for they are mostly saturated or outdated and they might not fall into your target category.

2) Create a candidate persona you want to hire:

It is important to specify your key requirements before hiring an outbound agency. This will ensure the hired agency would prove worthwhile to your organization. Coming up with an ideal candidate persona will streamline the entire hiring process and would result in more work output going further. If you know what you are exactly looking for, finding the right agency would get much easier. Here are some qualities that you must look for in your outbound agency.

  • Hard skills- A cold email campaigner not only need to write emails or know how to send them but it should also be a team of skilled copywriters. This is how capturing the readers’ attention would get easier. They also need to know applications like Excel.
  • Soft skills- This task would require a bit of creativity and a lot of empathy. The ability to create persuasive messages comes from this ability. The way they create the emails would be able to instigate instant action within the readers. Besides this, they also need to have analytical skills, diligence, patience, and curiosity. They must also be passionate and visionary about the role they are working in.

3) Go with only the best ones in the field:

You can get old school and post the position online. This might seem the easiest and the most convenient solution. Besides these, try the following:

  • Word of Mouth- There is no better way to find and settle for specialists than getting a referral from someone you know. You can run the opening in your circle and get in touch with competent acquaintances. There are high chances of getting a good fit in this way.
  • Active Sourcing- Another great way of getting closer to the right talent is by searching them on online platforms. The best places would be Quora or marketing groups on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Social Media Ads- This might not be so appealing to a lot many firms right now, but it has proven itself effective in many instances. It is hence, an option, worth giving a shot for.
social media

4) Prepare the right questions for the interview:

As an interviewer, you must be ready with the right set of questions to assess if you are proceeding with the perfect fit. Here are some questions that might prove beneficial to you.

  • What are the tools that you use for prospecting if you use any?
  • Are you in favour of using ready-made lists? If yes, why? If not, why? If not, then how would you prepare an appropriate list?
  • Where do you think we might find the best possible clients on the internet? How would you profile the clients?
  • What positions or categories of the clients you would target to send out the emails. Please justify your answers based on your observations.
  • How long will it take to generate our first lead and what will be your sending volume to reach my goals?
  • What type of leads you would be generating?

With this guide, it will be easier to find the right cold email outbound agency. Make sure things are transparent regarding the payment structure, strategy, lead quality, and control and ownership. As the decision-maker of your company, take your time and thoroughly assess every step as hiring the right agency is crucial for taking your business to the next level.  

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