6 Ways to Make Your Cold Emails More Personalized

by Vinny Hassan in June 23rd, 2022
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Whether you're trying to sell a product or promote a service, cold emailing can be a great way to reach new customers. But there's a fine line between a cold email that comes across as genuine and one that feels like spam. So, how can you make your cold emails seem more personalized and less like they're coming from a faceless corporation? Here are six tips.

1. Mention something you have in common with the recipient.

When writing a cold email, making a personal connection with the recipient is essential. One of the best ways to do this is to find something you have in common with them. Maybe you went to the same school, have mutual friends, or belong to the same networking group.

If you have something in common with the person you're emailing, make sure to mention it in your message. This will help the recipient feel like you're not just some random person who is reaching out of the blue — you're someone who they might actually know and be able to trust. As a result, your email will be more likely to be read and responded to.

So next time you send a cold email, take a minute to think about what you have in common with the recipient — it could make all the difference.

person using smartphone and laptop computer

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2. Use their name.

Writing a cold email can be tricky — you want to sound friendly and professional but not too familiar. One way to strike the perfect balance is to use the recipient's name throughout the email. This will remind them that they're not just another name on your list, and they'll appreciate your effort to personalize the message.

Of course, this only works if you use the correct spelling of their name — so take a few extra minutes to double-check before you hit send.

3. Compliment their work.

If you're sending a cold email, one way to make it feel more personal is to give a compliment. Whether it's praise for a recent project or an appreciation for their work in general, a sincere compliment will show that you're paying attention and that you value their work.

Of course, it's essential to be honest — false flattery will come across as insincere and could damage your relationship with the person you're emailing. But if you genuinely admire their work, a few well-chosen words of praise can go a long way toward making your email feel personal and warm.

4. Ask a question.

Personalization is key to success with cold emails, whether you're sending a sales pitch or trying to build a business relationship. And one of the best ways to personalize your message is to ask a question. This shows that you're interested in engaging with the recipient and not just making a quick sale.

It also helps to get the recipient thinking about your message and what you have to say. So, when crafting your next cold email, be sure to include a few thought-provoking questions. This will help make your message more personal and increase the chances of getting a response.

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5. Personalize the subject line.

The subject line of your email is one of the first things a recipient will see, so it's essential to make sure that it stands out and grabs their attention. Try using the person's name or a relevant keyword in the subject line, so they know what your message is about right away.

This personalization can help your email stand out in a crowded inbox and ensure that the intended recipient sees your message. In addition, including a personalized message in the body of your email can further increase the chances that your email will be read and acted upon.

Always take a few extra minutes to personalize the subject line and increase your chances of success.

6. Follow up.

Sometimes, even the best-crafted cold emails don't get responses — and that's ok. It doesn't necessarily mean that your message was bad or that you did something wrong — it just means that your recipient may have been busy and didn't have time to respond right away.

In these cases, following up with a polite, friendly, and personalized reminder can be helpful. If you don't hear back from the person after your first email, try sending a second message two or three days later to let them know that you're still interested in hearing back.

This is usually enough to get their attention and prompt them to respond — as long as you're not too pushy or demanding. So, keep these tips in mind, and don't be afraid to follow up — it could make all the difference when sending cold emails.

Final words

Making your cold emails seem more personal doesn't have to be complicated —just follow these six simple tips! Use the person's name, find something you have in common, compliment their work, ask questions, personalize the subject line and follow up. These small gestures will make your emails feel warmer and more human, increasing the likelihood that the recipient will engage with your message.

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